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Can I send my CV via e-mail, fax or letter?

You should send your applications online system so that we can assess conclude and inform you quickly. For a proper operation of the system, only applications received online will be taken into consideration.

How can I access job opportunities?

You can access current job opportunities in our Bank from the "Job Opportunities" section. If you already have your CV record in the system, you can access online. Otherwise you can create a CV via "New Users" section.

How can I apply for internship?

For internship positions, you can apply to job opportunities entitled internships in our job opportunities section.

Can you provide information about the written exams and interviews during the recruitment phase?

Our recruitment process differs for applicants with and without banking experience. Written exams are conducted for inexperienced applicants to take a position as a Teller, Agent, Assistant Supervisor for Retail Banking and Wealth Management and Commercial Banking Teams-Sales trainee (ST) in Retail Banking and Wealth Management/commercial banking teams, Management Trainee (MT) positions in line with the requirements of our Bank. Candidates who exceed a minimum score in each exam are admitted to group and one-to-one interviews. Jobs are offered to applicants who qualify at the end of the interviews. For further information, please refer to Experienced Recruitment Process and New Graduate/Inexperienced Recruitment Process.

Which university majors are preferred?

All graduates are assessed in line with our open positions.

I recorded my CV details in the database. Yet I haven't been invited to an interview. What should I do?

Applicants are contacted according to the open positions.

How can I learn about the result of my application to HSBC?

All your applications whether positive or negative, are assessed and answered on line. You can view the result of your application from "My Application" section.

Do I have to apply again for a position which I had before applied for when I update my CV?

Since the system prevents a second application to the same position, you do not have to make a second application to the same position. Any change in your application will be automatically updated in our system, and your application will be evaluated in its up-to-date form.

I cannot log in with my user name and password although I have completed the CV form. What should I do?

Your browser's cookie settings might have been set to the most secure mode.
In browsers, cookie option is on by default. If you have not made any change in your browser settings, you will not experience any problem in viewing full and proper pages. If you cannot log in with your user name and password, please make the following settings.