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Information About Two Zero Removal from the BIST Equity Indices


According to the 2020/26 numbered notification of Borsa İstanbul published on 02.04.2020, especially from BIST30 and BIST100, two zeros will be  removed from the BIST Equity Indexes as of Monday 27 July 2020 and the index value will continue to be displayed as two digits after the comma.

In addition, index contracts traded on VIOP will be adjusted with the spot index value.

Borsa İstanbul will cancel the good till cancel and good till dated index futures contract orders that are open as of the evening of July 24, and also  on July 24, VIOP evening session will not be held.

BIST 30 / Liquid Bank / BIST Liquid 10 Ex Banks Index Futures Contracts and BIST 30 Index Option Contracts, whose underlying asset is index will be affected by zero removal from equity indexes.

The changes in the Index Futures Contracts are given below.

  • Contract size will be reduced from 100 to 10.
  • The minimum price step will be increased from 0.025 to 0.25, and the quotation will be made over the values multiplied by 10.
  • No changes will be made in contract names.
  • The nominal TL value of the contract will not be changed.